Update On New Margin Policy from SEBI : I wrote the below article on stock brokers in India with highest margin for intraday and Futures & Options (F&O) in August 2020. But SEBI has introduced a new margin policy which will make all the details below obsolete.
The new margin policy makes all the stock brokers to offer same margin and it has become a level playing field.
So September 2021 onwards, all the brokers are same as far as leverage offered is concerned. Hence, now you should only look for a broker who offer better products like robust trading platform and good customer care at reasonable brokerage charges.
You can read the below article for sake of your knowledge and I mentioned the reasons why I trade with Zerodha even before the new margin policy was introduced.
Auguest 2020 : Few of my visitors requested me to provide details of reputed Stock brokers in India who offer Low brokerage and High Exposure to their clients for trading in 2024.
This article has the details of 10 low brokerage and high exposure stock brokers in India. However, given the choice, I will not choose my broker based on only this list.
Just to give an example, during April 2020 due to corona, Crude oil demand fell and the oil futures went crashing to negative value. Many traders who had taken long position defaulted.
Brokers who provided huge margin suffered heavily. If they fail to recover from the defaulted customers. they have to pay from their pocket.
This scenario puts our funds in trading account in huge risk even we have not taken any positions.
Is High Leverage good or bad?
Leverage or Margin is good if used in the right way. You can take advantage of exposure provided and multiply your profits many folds. But as they say, anything too much is also bad.
Leverage is nothing but a borrowed money and you have to return it. And that is possible only when you come out profitable. Losses also increase when using margin provided by the broker.
I would just NOT open an account with the share broker who offers highest leverage just to attract customers. Sooner or the later a blackswan event occurs and all my life time savings may disappear within no time.
I’ll explain why.
As you know leverage is provided by the broker. Suppose, If a bunch of their customers use too much leverage and one bad day if trade goes wrong, they not only risking their funds but also that of the broker.
There is even chances of the broker going bankrupt, if they fail to recover the amount from the defaulted customers. If the broker goes bankrupt, our funds are not secured.
Hence I would prefer the brokers who just maintain the balance between low brokerage and high exposure.
Personally I trade with Zerodha. I’m pretty much sure that my funds are safe with them as they are Zero Debt company. They are not funded by anyone and are been profitable from beginning.
The Margin provided by them suits my style of trading and moreover delivery brokerage is zero with them. I have written more about them in Zerodha Review Page.
Low Brokerage and High Exposure Stock Brokers of India

Anyway, for the completeness of the article, here I’m listing down the stock brokers in India with low brokerage and high leverage
Here is the list of 10 stock brokers in India with high leverage.
- Wisdom Capital
- Trade Smart Online
- SAS Online
- Zerodha
- Upstox
- Tradejini
- 5Paisa
- Karvy Online
- Aditya Birla Money
- Bonanza Online
Low Brokerage and High Exposure Brokers – Segment wise
Here I have given details of brokerage and leverage details of each of the above brokers , segment wise such as Intraday, Delivery, Futures, Options, Currency and Commodity.
But make sure that you check with the broker before opening the account.
Some broker offer higher leverage only on fullfulling some criteria. For example, some broker have plans which offer more leverage only if you pay certain brokerage upfront.
Don’t fall for higher leverage gimmick.
Simply go with the reputed brokers whose brokerage plans are simple and same for all customers.
Highest Intraday Margin Brokers in India:
Following is the details of low brokerage and highest margin brokers of India for Intraday Segment.
Equity Delivery:
Not many brokers offer leverage for delivery trading. You will find only few brokers in this list.
Also Read: Best Online Demat & Trading Accounts of India
Equity Futures:
Futures segments is the high risk segments. The chances of loosing entire capital is high here.
If you are planning to trade in this segment, probably you must be extra careful in choosing the broker.
Here is the list of stock brokers in India offering highest exposure and lower commissions.
Equity Options:
Brokers don’t offer margin for buying options and it is not required also as the premium are usually smaller.
Below is the details of the leverage for selling options from different brokers.
Currency Futures:
Currency Options:
Low Brokerage and High Exposure Brokers – Final thoughts:
As you can see, the list is dominated by discount brokers. They are known for offering limited services at lowest brokerage charges. But they are also offering high leverage to their customer.
While choosing the low brokerage and high exposure brokers, don’t forget about the quality of service. Check the financials of the company, robustness of trading platforms offered by them , customer reviews etc. It will save you from lot of head ache in future.
In this regard, I will recommend Zerodha as they are the No.1 stock broker of India now with highest number of customers, hence the trust factor. Margin as discussed does not matter anymore.
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