In the previous article, I provided the complete information of Zerodha brokerage charges including AMC and DP Charges. However, a calculator to see the breakdown of the charges for a particular trade was needed.
So in this Zerodha brokerage calculator, you can simply key in your buy price, sell price, number of shares and your state to know the complete details of charges you are going to incur even before placing your order.
Zerodha Brokerage Calculator:
How to use this Brokerage Calculator?

To use the this calculator, follow these steps:
- Select the segment from the dropdown menu (Equity Intraday, Equity Delivery, Equity Futures, Equity Options, Currency futures, Currency Options or Commodity)
- Input the Buy Price, Sell Price and Number od Shares
- Select your state of residence from the dropdown (Only, the stamp duty charges depends on the state. Each state levies different stamp duty charges)
Read : Detailed review of Zerodha Brokerage and its trading platforms
Also Read : Zerodha Coin – Invest in Direct Mutual Funds at Zero Charges
You can use this calculator to calculate the charges for various segments:
- Zerodha Equity Delivery Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Intraday Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Futures Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Options Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Currency Futures Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Currency Options Brokerage Calculator
- Zerodha Equity Commodity Brokerage Calculator
Charges that can be calculated using this Zerodha brokerage Calculator:
The calculator displays following parameters depending on the values input:
- Brokerage Charges
- Securities Transaction Taxes (STT)
- Exchange Transaction Charges
- Goods and Transaction charges (GST)
- SEBI Turnover Charges
Final Thoughts on Brokerage Calculator:
The brokerage calculator is very important tool which is very helpful for the traders. Many a times they end up in losses just because of the brokerage and taxes. Even though they make absolute profit, these charges eat up most of the profit.
So they can use this Zerodha Brokerage Calculator is verifying if the trade is worth to initiate with the determined target price.